Learn about the nation’s only CRNA Acute Surgical Pain Management Fellowship, a formal partnership between the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) and Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia (MTSA).
Learn about MTSA’s efforts to combat the opioid epidemic by teaching non-addictive alternatives to pain-management. The School provides graduate education programs in nurse anesthesia, including the Acute Surgical Pain Management Fellowship and regional anesthesia workshops that focus on multi-modal approaches to pain management during and after surgery.
Serge Marchand, PhD, is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Sherbrooke University and director of the pain labs at the research center of the Sherbrooke University Hospital. He is also a faculty member of MTSA’s Acute Surgical Pain Management Fellowship. In this special lecture series, Dr. Marchand presents “Persistent Post-surgical Pain in a Surgical Patient: Mechanism of Action.”